Dr Corinne Bareham-Waldock
principal investigator
You can contact me here if you would like to know more about my research.
My research to date investigates the neural correlates of spatial attention in healthy people and spatial bias in stroke patients with unilateral neglect. I primarily use EEG techniques to investigate the transition in consciousness between wakeful and healthy sleep onset and associated changes in spatial attention. I have also implemented rTMS, tDCS and fMRI to further understand the mechanisms underlying shifts in spatial attention in both healthy and stroke populations. Also, I have recently begun working on a project investigating EEG connectivity as a potential indicator of diagnosis and prognosis for patients in a prolonged disorder of consciousness. Using graph theory metrics, changes in resting state connectivity and associated signatures of conscious awareness can be monitored in patients who behaviourally present with low awareness.
Current Projects
I am working with Dr Srivas Chennu on the BETADOC project: Bedside EEG Test of Awareness in Disorders of Consciousness. This project involves the use of bedside EEG assessments of awareness in vegetative and minimally consciousness patients.
I am working with Dr Tristan Bekinschtein on a project investigating hemispheric asymmetry in ERP amplitudes from wake to drowsy states of consciousness. In particular, we are interested in how shifts in spatial attention with drowsiness may be marked by differences in electrical amplitude in fronto-parietal regions of the cortex.
In this project Dr Tristan Bekinschtein, Dr Valdas Noreika, Dr Anat Arzi and I study the effects of controlled doses of propofol (a commonly used sedative) on cognition and attention.
In collaboration with Dr Jason Mattingley, I am directly comparing left and right hemisphere focal stroke patients on the ability to decode house and face stimuli in visual spatial attention. Regions in the visual cortex will be analysed to determine the effects of the stroke site on efficiency to decode visual information from the left and right sides of space.
The BETADOC project featured in the BBC Radio 4 Documentary, which is available on BBC iPlayer Radio and accessible via this link:
Playing Tennis in a Coma
Other articles:
The world shifts to the right when you’re sleepy, Digest (British Psychological Society)
Are Left Handers' Brains More Resilient To Damage From Strokes? Inside Science
The world shifts to the right when you're sleepy, Psychology Matters
Sleepy brains neglect half the world, The Guardian
Does being left-handed help you keep a balanced view of the world? Medical Research Centre
Feeling sleepy and everything seems... right, this theory
Falling Asleep & Brain Injury: They May Share More Similarities Then You Think, Scientia712
Sleepiness Shuts Off Half The Brain, Much Like Disease, Medical Daily
Curioso fenómeno: cuando estamos medio dormidos, perdemos la conciencia del lado izquierdo, La Nacion
Playing Tennis in a Coma
Other articles:
The world shifts to the right when you’re sleepy, Digest (British Psychological Society)
Are Left Handers' Brains More Resilient To Damage From Strokes? Inside Science
The world shifts to the right when you're sleepy, Psychology Matters
Sleepy brains neglect half the world, The Guardian
Does being left-handed help you keep a balanced view of the world? Medical Research Centre
Feeling sleepy and everything seems... right, this theory
Falling Asleep & Brain Injury: They May Share More Similarities Then You Think, Scientia712
Sleepiness Shuts Off Half The Brain, Much Like Disease, Medical Daily
Curioso fenómeno: cuando estamos medio dormidos, perdemos la conciencia del lado izquierdo, La Nacion
Find me on Google Scholar
- Bareham, C. A., Allanson, J., Roberts, N., Hutchinson, P. J. A., Pickard, J. D., Menon, D. K. & Chennu, S. (2018). Longitudinal Bedside Assessments of Brain Networks in Disorders of Consciousness: Case Reports from the Field, Frontiers in Neurology, 9, 676.
- Bareham, C. A., Bekinschtein, T.A., Scott, S. K. & Manly, T. (2015). Does left-handedness confer resistance to spatial bias? Scientific reports, 5.
- Bareham, C.A., Manly, T., Pustovaya, O.V., Scott, S. K. & Bekinschtein, T. A. (2014). Losing the left side of the world: rightward shift in human spatial attention with sleep onset. Scientific reports, 4.
Prizes and Funding
2018: Neurological Foundation of New Zealand Repatriation Fellowship
2018: Welcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund
2014: ASSC 18 – Poster Prize for Best Neuroscience Poster
2012: ASSC 16 – Poster Prize for Best Neuroscience Poster
2014-2017: Marie Curie Fellowship – International Research Staff Exchange Scheme
2018: Welcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund
2014: ASSC 18 – Poster Prize for Best Neuroscience Poster
2012: ASSC 16 – Poster Prize for Best Neuroscience Poster
2014-2017: Marie Curie Fellowship – International Research Staff Exchange Scheme